Upsilon Sigma Alpha (USA) is a fraternity at Maple University (MU), a public university in the state of Kentucky.

Upsilon Sigma Alpha (USA) is a fraternity at Maple University (MU), a public university in the state of Kentucky.
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Category: Midterm- Fall 23.MEK

Updated: March 19, 2024


Please respond to the case scenario as instructed.  Your response should be in the form of a memo.

Like the Sample Exam and Response, you do not need to cite sources in a typical academic manner.  Instead, you should make reference to the material by mentioning it in the memo. Please explicitly cite to the cases we have covered so far this semester throughout your memo. 

You may NOT use external resources.  You may only reference materials used for this class.  You may not consult your classmates. Your work must be individually authored. 

The exam is due as one file uploaded to Blackboard by 9:00am Eastern on January 29, 2024.



Upsilon Sigma Alpha (USA) is a fraternity at Maple University (MU), a public university in the state of Kentucky. USA Fraternity identifies itself as a fraternity primarily for people of the Patriot faith, a sincerely held religious belief. The fraternity consists of 33 members who are all MU students. All 33 members practice the Patriot religion. The core tenants of the Patriot religion include love and adoration for all people and things from America, and a passionate dislike for all people and things from other nations. The USA Fraternity Constitution does not require that all members of the fraternity be practicing Patriots, but the fraternity does not recruit any students who do not already identify as members of the Patriot faith.

In addition to social activities, the fraternity keeps a very active calendar of events. They have a weekly Patriot worship service in their fraternity house. They also raise money for philanthropic causes. They perform community service in economically distressed areas. Additionally, the fraternity hosts weekly protests at the MU Student Union where members of the fraternity join with others to express their view that MU should discontinue admitting international students.

Much to the dismay of the members of the USA Fraternity, the MU students elect a student body president who happens to be an international student. The members of USA begin to organize protests of this new student body president.

The student body president introduces and passes a resolution in the student government senate. The resolution recommends that “the University administration denies recognition and funding to any organization that discriminates against other students.”

You are the Vice President for Student Affairs. The student body president brings to you this recommendation from the student government. The student body president requests that you enact this policy, and says specifically that she believes that the USA Fraternity should have its university recognition withdrawn as a result.

As this issue becomes more heated, the media begins to report about it. Reporters, alumni, and donors all begin to call the University President to ask what she will do. Some of these concerned alumni are former international students, and others are alumni members of the USA Fraternity. Before the President is able to make a decision, she asks you to write a memo where you explain the potential legal issues in this situation and also provide your recommendation for how she should proceed.

Your response must be in the form of an organizational memo and conveyed within 1,500 words.  Please use your real name as the author of the memo.

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Don't Stress Over Upsilon Sigma Alpha (USA) is a fraternity at Maple University (MU), a public university in the state of Kentucky.; We Got You!

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